
Silicosis Diagnosis and Silicosis Treatment.


The best way to prevent silicosis is...

diagnosis_silicosisSilicosis Diagnosissilicosis_diagnosis

Patient history should reveal exposure to silica dust due to occupation. Physical check up will reveal decreased chest expansion and abnormal breath sounds. Pulmonary function test will reveal reduced lung capacity.

Chest x-ray will confirm the presence of nodules in the lungs, especially in the upper lobes. Typically, it will also reveal eggshell calcification of the hilar lymph nodes. In rare cases, pulmonary nodules may also be calcified. In advanced cases of silicosis, coalescence of nodules may show up as large masses.

A computed tomography or CT scan can also provide a mode detailed analyses of the nodules, and can reveal cavitation due to concomittant mycobacterial infection.

treatment_silicosisSilicosis Treatmentsilicosis_treatment

Silicosis is an irreversible condition, with no cure. Silicosis treatment options currently focus on alleviating the symptoms and preventing complications. These include:

Stopping further exposure to silica and other lung irritants, including tobacco smoking.
Cough suppressants.
Antibiotics and antitubercular agents to prevent tuberculosis. These include isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide. Chest physiotherapy to help the bronchial drainage of mucus. Oxygen administration to avoid hypoxemia. Bronchodilators to facilitate breathing.

Experimental treatments include:

Whole-lung lavage
Aluminum inhalation
The best way to prevent silicosis is to identify work-place activities that produce crystalline silica dust and then to eliminate or control the dust.

Symptoms and Types of Silicosis
Silicosis is an irreversible condition, with no cure. Treatment options.....

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silicosis_symptoms What is Silicosis? Silicosis treatment
More than one million workers are occupationally exposed to crystalline silica dusts in the United States......

Silicosis FAQ
Exposure risks are greatest for those who work in construction, mining, sandblasting, stonecutting.....