
About Silicosis. FAQ


Can I prevent Silicosis? FAQs

1. What is Silicosis?
Silicosis is an occupational lung disease, which is caused by the inhalation of Silica dust. This leads to inflammation of the lung tissue.

2. What are the health effects of Silicosis?
Health effects include: shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain, fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite. Patients are also at increased risk for developing several diseases including Tuberculosis and lung cancer.

3. Who is most at risk for exposure to Silica dust?
Exposure risks are greatest for those who work in construction, mining, sandblasting, stonecutting, abrasives manufacturing, and in people who work with glass, pottery, and on railroads.

4. Can I prevent Silicosis?
The best way to prevent Silicosis is through safety measures while on the job. This includes being educated on the dangers of Silica dust and using proper safety equipment.

5. Is the disease that serious that I need to worry about it?
There is no cure for Silicosis and it may reduce your life expectancy so, yes, it is something to worry about.

6. What are the most common symptoms of Silicosis?
Initially, shortness of breath and a dry cough are the most common symptoms; however, there also may be no symptoms at all.

7. How is exposure detected?
Through a chest x-ray.

8. How long does it take for Silicosis to develop?
It can take up anywhere from 10-35 years before Silicosis is fully detected.

9. How long have employers known about this disease?
Silicosis was identified as a disease hundreds of years ago, but companies failed to provide warnings of the dangers related to exposure until many decades later.

10. What legal options are available to me?
You may file a legal claim against the manufacturers, sellers, and installers of Silica products and also the manufacturers of inadequate safety equipment. Monetary compensation may be awarded to compensate you for medical bills, lost income and pain and suffering.

11. Is there a time limit for filing a claim?
There are laws in every state which limit the time for individuals to file legal claims. If you do not file within these limits, you will miss the opportunity to receive compensation in your case. It is important that you contact an attorney in your state immediately.

12. How can I determine if I have Silicosis?
An examination by a physician will include a work history evaluation, chest X-ray and lung function test. This is the best and most reliable way for detecting Silicosis. It is important that you contact a physician who has experience in lung disease treatment.

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